Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Air: Pollution - Causes of Air Pollution

Mental Maths


Long Division


A trip to an amusement park


          Reading is fun.

                                    A TRIP TO AN AMUSEMENT PARK

          Yesterday I and my friends went on a short picnic to an amusement park. We reached there at about 10 a.m. We were six of us. Even though we had reached on time there was a serpentine queue for the tickets. 
           I took the entrance ticket. The first ride we took was the Fury Wheel. It was really big, all of us were yelling and crying! After that we went on a Pony Ride which calmed everyone. Then there was the big Octopus ride, the individual seats revolved on its own and at the same time each hand of the octopus went in a circular motion. We went for two more rides The Ghost House and the Roller Coaster, which also took a toll of us. The dashing car was fun to be in! We dashed each other’s car.
         Then we decided to have lunch. Each of us had brought some food to eat like sandwiches, fruit juices, pastas etc. Our mothers took care that we don’t eat food from outside.
         After that were the rides which we all were waiting for-the water rides. We went in all of them without any hesitation. The Wave Pool and the Rain Dance were my favourites. At last we saw a 5D movie. This movie took us through broken bridges, steep mountains, dilapidated houses etc.
          Finally it was evening and time to go. It was such an enjoyable and memorable day. All of us had met after a long time. We were all sad while returning home.

Write an essay on " A weekend visit to your grandparent's house"

Science : Uses of Air

Uses of Air

Safety measures at home.

Safety at home
Accidents at home are mainly caused by fire,electricity and by sharp things such as knives and scissors.

In the kitchen.
Kitchen is the place where useful but dangerous things such as fire,electricity and knives are used.You have to be very careful while working in the kitchen.
Never wear nylon clothes in the kitchen as they catch fire very easily.
Never play with electric switches,sockets or electric gadgets.Do not touch them with wet hands.

Avoid falls.
Do not run up and down or play on staircase.You may break your bones if you fall.

Avoid getting poisoned.
Do not try to taste anything you are not sure about.Several medicines are poisonous for children
Stale food should also be avoided.
It can cause food poisoning or stomach problems.


Landforms and waterbodies


Fill in the correct form of the verbs:

 1. They ___________________ in Chicago for 20 years (be).

 2. I ___________________ a wonderful film in the cinema last night. (see)

 3.  I ________________________ my watch because it is being fixed (not wear)

 4. The sun _______________ when the climber reached Mount Everest. (shine)

 5. I promise that I ________________this secret to anyone (not tell)

 6. Unfortunately, just as we got to the airport their plane ____________off (take).

7. They ________________to the movies only once in a while (go)

 8. I was tired yesterday because I _______ well the night before (not sleep).

 9. Sh! Someone ___________________ to our conversation (listen)!

10. I think Bob __________________for London this very moment.(leave)

Monday, March 30, 2020

Multiplication and Division

                                              Solve the following in your rough book.

Area and Perimeter

                                                 Solve the following in your rough book.

Major Temperature zones of the earth