Friday, April 17, 2020



Around 71 percent of the Earth is covered in salt water. We call this major body of water the Ocean. The ocean is divided up into 5 major oceans, but they are actually all connected together. They are mostly divided up by the world's seven continents. 

Pacific Ocean

The Pacific Ocean is the largest of the oceans covering around one third of the Earth's surface. It separates Asia and Australia from North and South America. The Pacific Ocean got its name from the explorer Ferdinand Magellan. He called it the Mar Pacifico, meaning the "peaceful sea" in Portuguese.

Atlantic Ocean
The Atlantic Ocean is the world's second largest ocean. 
Many years ago some people thought the Earth was flat and that ships would just fall off the Earth somewhere out in the Atlantic Ocean. Columbus proved them wrong by sailing across the Atlantic and discovered America.The Atlantic Ocean gets its name from the Greeks who called it the Sea of Atlas.

Indian Ocean

The Indian Ocean is the third largest ocean in the world. It lies south of Asia, and India, and separates East Africa from Australia. It is the warmest ocean in the world.

Arctic Ocean

The Arctic Ocean is in the northern part of the Earth, primarily around the North Pole. It is the smallest and shallowest of the world's oceans. A lot of fresh water enters the Arctic from melting ice. For a good part of the year much of the Arctic is covered in ice.

Southern Ocean
The Southern Ocean is the fourth largest, or second smallest of the oceans. It sits at the South Pole and the southern part of the Earth.

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